Battery-powered Raspberry Pi with pan/tilt camera
A portable Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a camera mount that can pan or tilt. The camera is mounted on a non-conductive board as the screw holes actually provide +5V and Gnd for an add-on IR light board. A cheap digital voltmeter is used as a fuel gauge for the battery pack. Rechargeable AA Nimh batteries are used mainly because they are low-cost, available everywhere, and no-hassles with check-in luggage. The 6 x 2450mah IKEA LADDA batteries are excellent value and last 6-7 hours with USB devices, camera and wifi usage. When the fuel gauge shows 6.6V, it's time to recharge. The DC-DC step down converter has the following specs:
- XL4015 180 KHz fixed frequency PWM buck converter
- Input voltage 8V to 32V
- Adjustable output voltage from 1.25V to 32V
- 5A Constant Output Current Capability
- Conversion efficiency up to 96%
- Thermal protection and short circuit protection
Disable the raspbian VNC and install tightvncserver and xrdp instead. Then use Windows Remote Desktop to connect to the Raspberry Pi for a better desktop experience. The Raspberry Pi is configured to boot from a USB flash drive instead of the microSD card for reliability and speed. See link below for more details:
USB mass storage boot
You can toggle the Pi to startup or shutdown by wiring a momentary switch between GPIO3(pin 5) and Ground(pin 6). Add the following line to /boot/config.txt:
#toggle switch across pins 5-6 for Pi shutdown/startup. dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=3,active_low=1,gpio_pull=up,debounce=1000ssh to the Pi and take snapshots with the camera using the command:
raspistill -vf -hf -o snap.jpgStream video to a vlc client running on a PC or Android phone.
raspivid -vf -hf -t 0 -l -o tcp:// #listen/stream on port 3333 vlc tcp/h264:// #open network stream in vlc