'TempDS1820B.bas - Measure temperature by using a PICAXE-08M to read the voltage from
'a DS18B20 sensor. The results in Centigrade(ASCII) are sent to a host cpu via an RS232
'connection for display. The host polls for values by sending the char P to the PICAXE
'every 5 minutes. COM port settings - 2400,N,8,1
'The DS18B20 senses -55 to +125C.

   serin 2,n2400,b2              'read serial port
   if b2 = "P" then tempout      'got P? send temperature
   goto main                     'ignore anything else

   readtemp 1,b1                 'read DS18B20
   if b1 > 127 then neg          'test for negative
   SEROUT 4,n2400,(#counter," ",#b1, 13,10)   'send ASCII temp to host
   goto main
   let b1 = b1 - 128             'adjust neg value
   SEROUT 4,n2400,(#counter," -",#b1, 13,10)   'send ASCII temp to host
   goto main